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Expansion of a transport corridor with a new railway line, which improves the connection between German ports and various terminals.

Development of the coordination of goods transport activities and actors

Background and justification of the project:

The Eastern/Eastern Mediterranean Corridor (OEM Corridor), whose section between Rostock and Budapest is the intervention area of the project, connects Central and South-Eastern Europe. Due to the increasing congestion of the Dresden-Prague section and the limited capacity of the alternative TEN-T corridors running through the Vienna hub, the multimodal accessibility of efficient freight transport in the areas along the OEM corridor is characterized by regional differences. For these reasons, it became necessary to expand the transport corridor with a new railway line, which will improve the connection between the German seaports and various terminals, especially with regard to the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. The aim of the project is to facilitate the efficient, environmentally friendly transport of goods on the Rostock-Budapest section of the OEM corridor.

Duration of the project: 04.01.2019. – 31.03.2022

Expected results of the project:

In order to take advantage of the benefits of infrastructural investment in multimodal, environmentally friendly freight transport, Saxony initiated cooperation with German, Czech, Slovak and Hungarian partners. The strategies and action plans created during the cooperation, as well as the so-called Corridor Capitalization Plans (CorridorCapitalisationPlans), help exploit new opportunities for regional development and logistics, as well as mitigating environmental impacts by supporting energy reduction and promoting environmentally friendly modes of transport. Furthermore, the connection between Saxony, the Usti region and Prague can be further strengthened by the new railway line. With regard to the operational requirements of multimodal logistics points and transport services, the developed plans represent added value for all TEN-T core network corridors. Steps taken to improve the quality and utilization of the existing infrastructure contribute to the creation of a more sustainable freight transport. Improving the connection between intermodal hubs and inland ports, as well as the mapping of new intermodal services, are tangible benefits for creating more efficient freight transport. Better coordination of the policy in the field of transport and regional development, as well as more efficient use of the existing infrastructure, will move the sector in the direction of sustainable development and contribute to making Central European cities and regions more livable.