Name of project IntermodalGreenAlliance – Fostering Nodes
Short name of project: InterGreen-Nodes
Framework: InterregCentral Europe
Duration of project implementation: 01.04.2019 – 31.03.2022
The aim of the project:
Intermodal terminals - including cargo ports - together with their immediate surroundings are essential elements of intermodal freight transport in Europe. These nodes often find it difficult to cope with the rapidly increasing volume of freight transport due to a lack of capacity and planning difficulties, in addition to the different modes of transport, but also burden the immediate environment of the nodes.
The goal of the InterGreen-Nodes project is to develop coordination between those involved in freight transport along the lines of market needs, EU recommendations and regional planning.
The partners harmonize spatial planning methods and develop the internal processes of the intermodal terminal, taking into account the terminals' direct environmental needs. This enables them to better adapt to future increased freight transport needs, as well as to operate the terminal's processes in a more environmentally friendly way.
Project partners:
- TechnischeHochschuleWildau (D) – Vezető Partner
- GemeinsameLandesplanung Berlin-Brandenburg (D)
- UnioneRegionaleCamere Di CommercioIndustriaArtigianato E Agricoltura Del Veneto (ITA)
- Berliner Hafen- und LagerhausgesellschaftmbH. (D)
- Rostock Port GmbH (D)
- MinisteriumfürEnergie, Infrastruktur und Digitalisierung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (D)
- Autorità di SistemaPortuale del MareAdriaticoSettentrionale (ITA)
- Interporto Bologna (ITA)
- ITL Bologna (ITA)
- Budapesti Szabadkikötő Logisztikai Zrt. (HUN)
- Pannon Gazdasági Hálózat Egyesület (HUN)
- KTI – Közlekedéstudományi Intézet (HUN)
- Luka Koper, pristaniski in logisticnisistem, d.d. (SLO)
Budget of the project:
Total project budget of EUR 2,321,950.80, of which EUR 1,880,329.68 ERFA support
Project co-fundedbythe European Union
The project is realized from the INTERREG CENTRAL Transnational Program, supported by the European Regional Development Fund, co-financed by the European Union and the Hungarian State.
BSZL Zrt. plans to launch a procurement procedure for the performance of the workshop tasks of the CE-1444 Intergreen-Nodes project supported by Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE.
Reference required for the application: 2 workshop organization references in the last 5 years.
Please notify us of your interest in advance .